What type of business is it good for?
- Small- to medium-sized businesses

AXIS Worldwide Property Delegated Authorities Insurance relies on strong teamwork from trusted partners to provide the coverage clients need. The account has a portfolio of high quality Coverholders/MGAs.
As an established and recognized lead market for delegated authority business, we have built long-standing relationships with underwriting agencies who have specialist knowledge and underwriting expertise in their respective field. When innovative coverage solutions for catastrophe and non-catastrophe risks are required, AXIS has the experience to provide the right coverage.
We operate as a specialist insurer with an established book that has been written for a number of years. Our experienced team underwrites Property solutions on both a mono-line and multi-line/package offering (in conjunction with other teams at AXIS), either on an insurance or reinsurance basis.
Customers can rest assured that when a delegated authority claim is filed AXIS focuses on:- Quick decision making
- Championing your needs
- An honest approach