Our Business

Supporting the transition to a low carbon economy

We strive to help our customers tackle climate-related risks and opportunities. For example, as global specialists in renewable energy insurance, we're actively supporting the transition to a low carbon economy and promoting the increased adoption of alternative energies.

Providing insurance products that cover the entire lifecycle of renewable energy projects, as well as sharing our expertise with customers and the wider industry. We actively consider both climate-related risks and opportunities in our business across a range of areas.

Find out more about AXIS Renewables

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Specialists in Specialty

Investing in the future

Our support for the climate transition goes beyond our own products. We've invested $20 million in BlackRock’s Climate Finance Partnership (CFP), a fund focused on climate infrastructure investments in emerging markets. In addition, AXIS integrates ESG considerations, including environmental factors, into its investment due diligence process. In accordance with our ESG Investment Policy Statement, AXIS integrates ESG metrics, including compliance with AXIS' Fossil Fuel Policy, into its investment evaluation as part of AXIS' manager scorecard process.

Read our ESG Investment Policy Statement

Limiting fossil fuels

Recognizing that the thermal coal and oil sands industries are particularly carbon intense and contribute to climate change, we developed and implemented a Fossil Fuel Policy limiting our exposure to these industries. We're committed to phasing out thermal coal business from our insurance, facultative reinsurance and investment portfolios by 2030 in OECD countries and the EU, and by 2040 globally. We're also significantly limiting business related to oil sands and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. All risks and investments are evaluated against our Fossil Fuel policy. Read our policy below.

Read our Fossil Fuel Policy

Our Voice

Industry initiatives

We are committed to using our voice to advocate on climate issues and are proud and active participants in relevant initiatives.

Member of the IDF, a partnership between the United Nations, the World Bank and members of the insurance industry.

Member of the Sustainable Products and Services Workstream of the Sustainable Markets Initiative Insurance Task Force, convened by HRH Prince of Wales and chaired by Lloyd's.

Member of the Geneva Association, the international think tank of the insurance industry.

Partnership with the University of Illinois Gies College of Business to support students interested in the (re)insurance industry and faculty members who address a variety of topics, including climate.

Climate research reports

AXIS has partnered with leading researchers and students at the University of Illinois to better understand how insurance can support climate risk mitigation.

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Announcements & Updates

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